Sunday, February 24, 2013

True north vs magnetic north

     True north is the direction beside the earth’s surface in the direction of the geographic North Pole. It is also called geodetic north. True north is the point on the glob that is exactly 90 degrees north of the equator.  We can measure true north by which earth’s rotation axis meets the surface. Another name for true north is GEOGRAPHIC NORTH. Geographic north is the direction that we use in pas which is always same. It won’t change over years. True north is an imaginary straight line which is passes among you and geographical pole on the globe. PHYSICAL NORTH is where we are facing into it. any direction that we are facing will be our north which is changeable.

     The magnetic north is the direction that the north-seeking arrow of a compass points. The magnetic north pole is the northern pole of the earth’s magnetic pole which changes over year. It is located 82.7 degrees north latitude. Since magnetic pole is the direction that your compass points thus you must adjust your compass accordingly. Magnetic pole is the point where the magnetic field are vertical and enters the earth. There is always angular difference between true north and magnetic north. This difference is called declination. Every five years there is an update for magnetic north for the reason that it’s not stable. This can be observed by looking at the rocks around the places where the sea floor is spreading. Changing of magnetic pole is very gradual, last time that magnetic pole switched was about 730,000 years ago. The difference between GN and MN is important when you are using compass. In western territories the difference among them is about 98 degrees, while in Toronto in about 9 degrees west of north however in Churchill is 0 degrees. In Alaska there is a huge difference between GN and MN. In 2005 the difference between GN and MG was about 810 km.
One of the important fact about magnetic north is that, when people call is “magnetic north” it’s actually south pole of the earth, the reason of that is because of earth’s magnetic field.     


different magnetic north in different years 


Abbr , N. (2000). magnetic north . In the free dictionary. Retrieved februray 23, 2013, from

 Goodman, J. (2001). Magnetic North Pole vs. Geographic North Pole. In science and science teaching . Retrieved february 21,2013, from 

 ("True north copmare to magnetic north",2000). In Retrieved february 22,2013, from

 ("Difference between true north and magnetic north", 2006) . In fun trivia. Retrieved february 23,2013, from

("Difference between true north and magnetic north in compass", 2013). In yahoo answer. Retrieved februray 23, 2013, from

Sunday, February 10, 2013

series and parallel circuits


                                                        Parallel circuit

     Series circuits, is the type of circuit that has only one way for travelling the charges. In this kind of circuit charges don’t have any other alternative routes, as the reason of that if one item brakes , no charge can travel through that the circuit because this circuit has just contain of one way. A series circuit can contain more than one resistor. We can see this type of circuit in traditional Christmas trees, batteries in flash light to increase the voltage and also one of the useful usages of series circuit can be observe in street lights. Parallel circuits, is the type of circuit that has more than one path for charges to move. Like series circuit it can contain more than one resistor however the main difference between these two circuits is that, in parallel circuits if one item broke no charge will travel through that path, since  parallel circuits has contain more than one paths therefore  charges will continue their movement in other ways, so the electricity won’t stop. Parallel circuits use in most household electrical wirings. The main difference between these two circuits is that the parallel circuit keeps the electricity following when one way is disturbed.  In some individuals the energy ball will not work, they are several reasons one of them is that, some people store the electrical charge in their body. The most important reason is due to dehydrogenation.  The water in our body functions as a transport system. .It transports all of the materials throughout the body, in this case the individual that won’t have enough water in his/her body will have some problems in transporting the electrical charge. This is the reason that the energy ball will not work properly.     

     In this experiment I have learned how energy ball works in addition to what is the reason of flashing the energy balls which is due to moving the electrical charge in our body by water inside of our body. Also I learned how parallel and series circuits work and what are the advantages and disadvantages of them. Other thing that I learned is that when we touch each other we can still transfer the electrical charge as a result electrical charge can travel from one individual to another individual. What I have learned about myself is that my body contains the normal amount of water which helps me to transport the electrical charges.   

 charpeniter,W. (january 12, 2013). example of a parallel circiut. In     eHow    Hobbies & science. Retrieved february 5, 2013 , from